

Hábitat Perrito llanero mexicano. Zacatecas, México.

Work area

Zacatecan semi desert

Line of action

Sustainable development


From 2012 to date

At ENDESU we developed a model for the conservation of golden eagle nesting and hunting territories, allowing for greater golden eagle reproductive success and promoting the conservation of large areas of grasslands and their biodiversity. We have successfully applied this model in the Zacatecas semi-desert.

Currently our efforts have been expanded at the ecosystem level, focusing our efforts on the areas where colonies of Mexican prairie dogs have recovered, since their presence allows the restart of the modeling of the landscape, promoting the recovery of the grassland -which in recent years has suffered strong and prolonged droughts- including the planting of native grasses that allow the recovery of this ecosystem in shorter periods of time, Therefore, we are planting using the micro-watershed technique and mixing seeds of native annual and perennial grasses in such a way that each micro-watershed can be used as a unit. In this way we are putting into practice the recovery of the pasture with nature-based solutions.

In parallel, we have designed a training and awareness program that allows participating communities to better face the challenges associated with climate change, as well as address issues of inequality, lack of opportunity and environmental conservation.

The formation of community biodiversity surveillance and monitoring brigades is of great importance, as it lays the groundwork for the training of community monitors who, once empowered, will respond to the needs of natural resource management in their communities. In this way, three initiatives have been developed aimed at different groups within the same communities, but which together generate great cohesion among their members:

  • Educating from home. Training for mothers to monitor flora and fauna in order to identify possibilities for the sustainable management and use of their natural resources and to share this knowledge with their families.
  • Young people conserving. Training young people on the benefits of good ecosystem management that allows for sustainable diversification of productive activities that make them more resilient to climate change, through the operation of Wildlife Management Units (UMA) and Areas Voluntarily Designated for Conservation (ADVC).
  • Improving your community. Training and temporary employment for adults in rehabilitation, conservation, prevention, restoration and management for the recovery of the grassland ecosystem.


These photographs are a brief sample of the richness of the grassland ecosystem and the species that inhabit it.


The golden eagle has flown through the skies of Mexico, guiding our path through history and becoming a living symbol of our national identity. Due to human activities, today this species and its habitat are threatened. Join this cause and help us keep the living symbol of Mexico.


On February 13 we celebrate #DíaNacionalDelÁguilaReal and we want to invite you to join the conservation program of which companies and personalities are already part. We need all the help possible to work intensely for 10 years, conserve 100 nesting sites and be able to proudly say VivaTheGoldenEagle

Community brigades in the Zacatecas grassland recovery program.

The grassland of northern Zacatecas is the habitat of species such as the golden eagle and the Mexican prairie dog and the home of dozens of families that also suffer the ravages of droughts, lack of employment and insecurity.