In Mexico, around 59% of the area used for livestock farming is degraded, among other causes, due to inadequate agricultural practices. Therefore, since 2010 we have carried out regenerative livestock farming activities. We started on properties located within the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve where we worked for eight years.
With this experience, we are developing activities in communities of Cotaxtla and Ixhuacán de los Reyes, Veracruz. In this new episode of ENDESU.TV we compile images and testimonies of ranchers who have implemented sustainable techniques and who leave proof that livestock farming can go hand in hand with the conservation of ecosystems.
Eva Beatriz Cano
Fondo Golfo de México
Leonel Zavaleta
Fondo Golfo de México
Isauro Salvador Cortés
Fondo Golfo de México
Wilibardo Rodríguez
Wenceslao Duarte
Arturo Román
José Andrés Lagúnez
Hugo Armando Lagúnez
Antonio Lagúnez
Regenerative livestock producers