
The Golden Eagle in Mexico

The history of Mexico is linked to the majestic image of the Golden Eagle. In the Aztec culture it was an avatar of the Sun, currency to pay tribute, a title of nobility, and imponent messenger of the God Huitzilopochtli, who led the Mexica to found Tenochtitlan. Its image has been an unequivocal symbol of Mexican identity; it is used as a representation of strength and courage.

Aquila chrysaetos canadensis is the largest bird of prey in the ecosystems of Northern Mexico and a multinational species that expands through all of North America. These eagles are monogamous which means they choose a mate whom they will bond with for life; they reproduce in a spectacular courtship ritual.

In order to protect their chicks, the pairs of eagles look for steep and difficult-to-access places to build their nests, away from everything that could pose a threat, but with wide availability of food, in areas rich in abundance of prey that ensure the survival of the young ones. These noble animals share responsibility for nest-making, incubation, education, and feeding of the chicks. During the four to six months that the nesting and breeding lasts, they limit their hunting expeditions to a small area close to the nest, which allows them to be aware of their babies’ care.

At ENDESU we have worked for several years in the care of the golden eagle and its habitat, identifying and attending areas of opportunity for its protection. However, year after year the recognized areas in Mexico with the highest reproductive activity have been reduced as a result of the change in land use that occurs in their hunting and nesting territories. This change leads to the loss of prey and without food, the eagles do not nest nor procreate, or the chicks run the risk of dying. Without young fledglings, eagle populations age and decrease in number.

Between 2011 and 2017 we generated a model that allowed the identification of nesting and hunting territories of the Golden Eagle and we implemented a test pilot for their protection in the north of Zacatecas. During this time, the nesting areas were identified, both active and alternative nests, the hunting areas and threats were delimited, and a diagnosis was made for their restoration. We work successfully as a team with local communities, promoting solutions to reactivate the hunting sites and the protection of nesting areas.

Today our experience, knowledge, and mastery of techniques allow us to resume the project in Zacatecas and replicate it in different regions of our country, where the nesting territories will require specific solutions. We have set a goal of conserving 100 Golden Eagle nesting sites in Mexico for the next 10 years, projecting a fundraising goal of 200,000 USD per year.

Our fundraising plan is based on a model of Ambassadors and Champions of the Golden Eagle, they will be the pillars that build it and it will be their commitment that gives life to this project.

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Demonstrate your commitment.
Celebrate Mexican culture.
Save the Golden Eagle!